Note: Please check the up to date content on this subject on the bottom of the page in the "Managed Backup Services FAQs" section here:
What type of reporting is available?
With the Central Management, you can view the high-level status of all your client's backup jobs as well as dig into details to review specifics about every agent, job, and group. In addition, you can set up email notifications that include all information needed to get an extensive overview of your customers' backups.
With NovaBACKUP, you can manage your customers' local and cloud backups as part of a single solution. From the Central Management, you can monitor all your customers' backups, create and update backup jobs to any storage, and adjust the backup strategy as needed.
NovaBACKUP Cloud is available in data centers in the United States, Canada, and Germany.
Yes, NovaBACKUP uses 256-bit AES end-to-end encryption. Each connection between an agent and the NovaBACKUP Cloud is encrypted with its own key for complete data security.
Yes. NovaBACKUP utilizes a block-level comparison between files already backed up and files being backed up. Once compared, it prepares and sends ONLY the differences at the block level between those two files, reducing the amount of data to be sent to the backup destination for the most efficient backup.