Error: Cannot start hijacc service
Last Updated: Sep 02, 2014 09:02AM CEST
Hijacc service fails to start
If the hijacc service could not be started, this service is responsible to control the tape libraries on this server.
Look into services.msc if you see a “Hijacc service”.
If yes, start/restart it from here.
If not, Datacenter was not able to create the service.
You can create the service by opening a Command Prompt, cd to Hiback\tape
type: "hijacc c <path>"
Where <path> is the actual directory in quotation marks if the path conatins blanks, e.g.
hijacc c “C:\Program Files\Novastor\datacenter\Hiback\Tape”
Start the service.
Now repeat the action in the GUI which led to the error.