Impact Assessment
This will not allow this job to be reported. The job will still run on regular scheduled intervals regardless if there is an actively hung job in the Monitoring view. This guide is only applicable to DataCenter version 7.
Occasionally there will be times when a job will get stuck in the active Monitoring screen and is unable to be cleared through cancelling the job.
Steps to Resolution
Before starting, make sure there are no active jobs set to run during this maintenance.
Make sure the NovaBACKUP Datacenter GUI is closed before starting.
Open a command box and change directory to %DC_HOME%\db-derby\bin\tools
cd C:\Program Files\novastor\DataCenter\db-derby\bin\tools
Then set the 2 environment variables DERBY_HOME and JAVA_HOME with the following commands:
set DERBY_HOME=C:\Program Files\novastor\DataCenter\db-derby
set JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\novastor\DataCenter\jre
Now you can start the Derby access tool ij:
Type ij.bat at the prompt
At the ij> prompt, type the connection string
connect 'jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/dc5;user=dc5;password=dc5';
At this point we are going to empty the “ACTIVE_JOB” table by executing the following sql query
Open the Datacenter GUI, and you will now see the hung job is no longer in the Monitoring view.