[Guide] DataCenter Update Procedure
Last Updated: Sep 14, 2017 05:20PM CEST
Update Procedure
General Description
A new version of DataCenter has been released and you wish to update to it from your running version. You will need to update your Command Server and each client node installation to accomplish this.
IMPORTANT: Update the Command Server installation first.
Command Server Update/Upgrade
Procedure on the Command Server:
- Exit NovaStor DataCenter GUI
- Extract: "NBK_DC_Windows.zip"
- Note: Do Not extract: "SW-Depot-DataCenter-#.#.#_b####.zip"
- Right-Click -> "Run as administrator" the extracted setup file appropriate for your Command Server Hardware:
- "CmdSrv-DataCenter-#.#.#_b####-windows-x64-installer.exe" -- OR --
- "CmdSrv-DataCenter-#.#.#_b####-windows-x86-installer.exe"
- Proceed through the installation, the previously utilized settings should be selected for you
- Confirm the installed version in the title bar of the GUI
Client Node Update/Upgrade
Procedure through the DataCenter GUI:
- Browse to System/Nodes Management
- Select the clients you wish to update
- Note: You can select multiple clients using CTRL + click OR SHIFT + click or a combination of the two.
- You can also utilize CTRL + a to select all nodes.
- Click + Drag can also select multiple clients.
- Right-Click->Update Node(s):
- The following dialog will appear:
- Choose the desired version (latest is selected by default) and choose"Update", a dialog will appear informing you it may take a while, select "Yes".
- Note: Any selected Command Server(s) will produce a dialog box when you attempt to update them through the GUI:
- Wait a while for the update to be pushed out to the clients, sequentially.
- Note: You can refresh the Nodes Management pane by using the button on the toolbar:
- Note: There will be no confirmation when the client has been updated.
- If refreshing does not update the RCMD version, Right-Click->Sync Node(s) Info:
- You are looking for the RCMD version to match your command server version: