VM backup quiescing error
Last Updated: Apr 08, 2015 11:57AM CEST
Error message in VM backup log:
Failed: Cannot create a quiesced snapshot because the create snapshot operation exceeded the time limit for holding off I/O in the frozen virtual machine.
The existence of the VMware Tools on the VM causes an internal snapshot via VSS, the process of taking an internal snapshot is called quiescing of the VM.
The quiescing fails and the root cause of the failure can be obtained by analysing the VM client OS eventlog.
In NovaBACKUP DataCenter you can use a general setting to switch off the quiescing of the VM:
Log in to the NovaBACKUP DataCenter VM Proxy.
Change directory to Hiback\vmware.
Open the file Hiback\vmware\vmware.ini in an editor and set the OPTIONS entry like this:
OPTIONS= --vmquiesce no
Save the file and repeat the backup.
After successful execution of the backup you are free to leave the setting or set it to no, if you want to switch off quiescing in general.