VMware Backup Failed
Last Updated: Apr 08, 2015 11:53AM CEST
VMware Backup Failed
NovaBACKUP DataCenter
Last Updated: Aug 28, 2013 10:31AM PDT
"VMware backup failed
Failed: Cannot create a quiesced snapshot because the create snapshot operation exceeded the time limit for holding off I/O in the frozen virtual machine."
This is a known issue between VMware and Microsoft VSS. Information on troubleshooting can be found on the VSS website located here.
Another reason that regular snapshots work but not with quiescing enabled (The NovaBACKUP backup client's VMware plugin backup method as well as the Virtual Dashboard backup method function WILL always attempt to queisce the VM by default, and in that case if queiscing does not work on that VM it will fail the backup; however NovaStor DataCenter has a GUI option to disable queiscing and CBT - Change Block Tracking) is due to a VSS provider registry key that exists but does not point to anything, hence the VSS app event viewer may state a file not found error and/or a provider not found error in the Application Event Viewer in the VM. To check that follow this 3rd party article: https://jackiechen.blog/2014/02/24/fail-to-quiesce-a-virtual-machine-while-taking-snapshot/. You will be required to be inside the Event Viewer in the Windows Logs > Application listing, and as soon as you attempt to snapshot that VM via your vCenter/ESXi to snapshot it with quiescing enabled, and it shows the error there, outside of even NovaBACKUP / DataCenter backup software attempting that snapshot, then refresh the events to see if you can track down a VSS error and then read the details of that error even to proceed to troubleshoot it. You can read more about VMware quiescing error in this NovaStor DataCenter support KB article: https://support.novabackup.com/hc/en-us/articles/360012306994-VMWare-quiescing-error.
For more info on troubleshooting this read the following support KB article: https://support.novabackup.com/hc/en-us/articles/360012306994-VMWare-quiescing-error
For more info on troubleshooting VMware quiescing not working read the following VMware article: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/1007696