Main Error class "cannot open Store device"
Last Updated: Apr 29, 2014 08:50PM CEST
Main Error class "cannot open Store device"
NovaBACKUP DataCenter
Last Updated: Aug 28, 2013 10:31AM PDT
The main Error class "cannot open Store device" denotes a Problem in the Connection or the data Transfer from backup Client to backup Server (e.g. Network) or a Problem on the backup Server itself (Hiback Service not running, backup device not available, Server not reachable). It is recommended to open the backup log (GUI->Reporting->[Mark job]->Results and navigate to the Sektion headlined "## jobid.err ## - ERROR:". In this Sektion the reason for the problem is shown.
In case of ambiguty with respect t the Error Message, send the log to NovaStor Support using the [Mail to Support] button.