NovaBACKUP xSP / Remote Workforce
xSP Multiple Computer Accounts:
NOTE: This process can be performed from the Storage Server only (not the client machine).
The following error will occur if you have more computers backing-up to an account than the number of licenses allocated to that account:
"Error: The backup server has aborted the backup. This abort most likely occurred because your account does not allow backups to be initiated from multiple computers."
Technical Answer
In the case that you are replacing a client’s machine you need to make sure that the path to the data that is being backed up matches "Exactly" as it did before. Meaning case sensitivity and drive letters for the data. This way it can be compared to its stored data and continue seamlessly when the next backup occurs. If a drive letter is changed or a letter capitalized, that was not previously, it will send that data in full as it does not have anything in storage that matches to compare to. This is because the computer name is converted to a number on the server and the folder path/file names changed to hashed information from the encryption process. These paths are based on the Ascii character codes of the files and paths and any changes will make the resulting encrypted/hashed path different and seen as new data.
The main reason that data is sent over after a replacement is because the new machine may check in with a new name and is seen as a new machine being added to the account. This results in a second machine being added to the tools tab for that client and if you enable multiple machines to backup to this account, and increment the number, it sends the “new machine” data to the newly created machine ID# in the storage.
When you run into situations like this you need to match the new machine to the old dataset. Once you get the error shown above, open that clients’ account properties and check the tools tab. You should see a new entry has been created, as the new machine checked in differently than the old one. Deleting the new check in name and renaming the old one to match the new name it is being seen as will sync the datastore with the client machine and backups will continue to only send changes going forward.
Use Case A
Client adds a device to backup (such as a mapped network drive). See Resolution steps 1 & 2 to increase the limit on the account.
Use Case B
Client machine information changes (such as the computer name or domain) and starts backing up as a new machine. ex: GUNBUSTER\EX-MACHINA changes to EX-MACHINA\EX\MACHINA
You need to change the backup target to use the new machine name on the old reference in order to prevent data duplication.
Note: Mapped drives that are selected for backup will require an additional license for each unique server hosting backed-up data.
The following image shows an example of the message that will be produced when the number of computer licenses has been exceeded:
The following image shows an example of the log produced from the licensing issue:
Open the "Configuration Manager" (on the backup server) and click on the "Accounts" tab to check the licensing.
Click on [Properties] to see details about the backup account:
In the account properties dialog, update the following settings as required:
- "Number of computers that can be backed up using this account. Each computer equals 1 license."
- If more than one computer will be backing up using the same account, be sure to check the box to "Allow separate computers to backup to this account":
Click on the "Tools" tab to see all of the computer accounts that exist in the backup account.
- NOTE: If multiple accounts exist for the same computer, you will need to make sure that the backup software is referencing the correct account and "Delete" the other "Computer Name" from the backup account.
Before deleting a computer associated with an account, always confirm that you are NOT deleting valid backup data.
- NOTE: If multiple accounts exist for the same computer, you will need to make sure that the backup software is referencing the correct account and "Delete" the other "Computer Name" from the backup account.
Check the "Primary storage location" for the account on the "General" tab:
Each computer account will use a unique folder within the account's backup location.
Click on the "Computer Name" and then click [Edit] to see which folder each "Computer Name" is associated with.
In this example, the computer account is associated with a folder named 2013:
- Notice that Computer 2013 and 2016 have different computer names although they are both linked to the same computer.
You may right-click on each folder and select [Properties] to see if the folders contain backup data.
- In this example, the new computer account "2016" will need to be deleted as there is no data backed up:
- In this example, the new computer account "2016" will need to be deleted as there is no data backed up:
Now that the invalid account has been identified, it can be deleted by clicking on the Computer Name and then clicking the [Delete] button:
Make sure you write down the “New” Computer Name exactly as displayed before continuing.
Check the box next to "Delete the computer's data directory from all storage locations" and click [OK]:
After the deletion completes, the account and the folder will be removed:
Click [OK] to close account Properties
Click [Apply] to save and apply the changes.
You must apply changes before performing a rename of the Old Computer Name to the New Computer Name.
Rename the existing account to match the account that was deleted in the previous step
After renaming the machine, click [OK] and [Apply], to save and apply the changes.
Review: Before, during, and after
Before (New Computer Name, new folder 2016 | Old Computer Name, old folder 2013)
During (Old Computer Name, old folder 2013)
After (New Computer Name on old folder 2013)