Error e0020014: Unable to open the file. - Unable to load job (.scr)
This guide is meant for users experiencing this error shown in the backup job log:
Error e0020014: Unable to open the file.
- Unable to load job C:\ProgramData\NovaStor\NovaStor NovaBACKUP\Temp\585b500c.scr
1. First of all make sure that you are logged in to Windows with a user that has Administrator rights. If the user cannot have Administrator rights that you are logged in to Windows with (for security lock down reasons) then make sure for all of the backup jobs that you have in place and scheduled entries that you are specifying the "Run As" property of the backup jobs to use "Run as specific user" instead of the default "Run as logged in user" and choose a user that does have Admin rights as to how the backup job will run as that user.
2. Exit out of NovaBACKUP software, then go to Windows Services (command = services.msc) and stop the "NovaStor NovaBACKUP Backup/Copy Engine" service.
3. Now delete the contents of this folder by first browsing with Windows Explorer to your C:\Users\
C:\ProgramData\NovaStor\NovaStor NovaBACKUP\Temp\
4. Now right-click on the Desktop shortcut for NovaBACKUP (or in the Start Menu -> NovaBACKUP area do the same right-click operation) and then once you right-click on that shortcut choose "Run as administrator" to start NovaBACKUP client in that Administrator executed mode.
5. Via the "Backup" tab in the software, create a new file backup job and select a single file or small folder to back up, then set the destination storage device to say a folder named C:\TEMP
(that folder has to exist before you can specify it). Then click "Backup" button at the bottom right of the "Backup" tab screen, and execute that job. See if that job execution completes successfully or fails, if it does fail please reply back to the ticket. If it does fail please go to the top left of NovaBACKUP software and click the large circle NovaStor logo button, next to the File menu area and then choose "Default Settings", and then click "Advanced Options" and then for the "Temporary Files directory:" setting click inside the input entry box and then click the "..." button to the right of that, and with the "..." button browse to your C: drive and on the C: drive you will now create a new folder named C:\NovaTEMP\
. Then specify the C:\NovaTEMP\
folder as the "Temporary Files directory" to utilize. Then click the OK button when done to save that setting. Exit out of NovaBACKUP at that point and then run the program again with the right-click desktop shortcut for NovaBACKUP and "Run as administrator". Create and then execute another small test file backup job again via the "Backup" tab.
6. If you still receive the same Error e0020014: Unable to open the file. -
Unable to load job
type of error and the backup job fails with that error please read through the Clean un-install and re-install of current NovaBACKUP software guide to make sure you are following ALL of the detailed steps there, including deleting the media index records, logs, temporary files, etc. and then re-install the NovaBACKUP software. Then re-try the operations such as re-creating your small test backup job and executing that job.