Amazon S3 Device "Check credentials" function states "Access denied"
Last Updated: Dec 03, 2014 11:42AM PST
Amazon S3 Device "Check credentials" function displays "Access denied" (when attempted via the NovaBACKUP Device tab)
To correct the Amazon S3 Device "Check credentials" function displaying "Access denied" message when that button is clicked on while in NovaBACKUP's "Device" tab area please do the following. First make sure that you are running at least NovaBACKUP v15.00.14 as prior builds may have had issues with Amazon S3:
Log on to the "Amazon S3 Management Console" web page and then once you are logged in click on this link to get to the "Your Security Credentials" web page on that site using this URL:
Otherwise click on the "Your Security Credentials" section after logging on to the IAM Management Console website.
Then on the right-side of the screen inside "Your Security Credentials" web page click on the "Delete" button on the right side of the page for each item that has a "Delete" button to click on. After those items are deleted then click the "Create New Access Key" button near the bottom to generate a new access key and secret access key. You will need to copy those keys to a text file to remember it. Then load NovaBACKUP and switch to the "Device" tab of NovaBACKUP. Now click the "Add" button at the bottom of the "Device" tab; click "Add" and then specify "Amazon Simple Storage Services" as the device type to add.
Specify the "Access Key ID" and "Secret Access Key" text in to the two prompts; this is where you wrote down the new Access Key ID and Secret Access Key when you re-created the credentials just prior, that were saved to your text file.
Then click on the "Check credentials" button on the same screen where you were adding the device, underneath the "Access Key ID and Secret Access key" prompts.
If the "Check credentials" still fails then something is wrong with the re-generated access key/secret key. Try the steps again to do it again, make sure to delete all existing entries for existing Access keys by using the "Delete" button for each key that exists, prior to trying to create additional Access key.