Multiple entries in index for: 001317416507
NovaBACKUP DataCenter
Multiple entries in index for: 001317416507
NovaBACKUP DataCenter
Last Updated: Aug 28, 2013 10:31AM PDT
Complete Error Message:
Multiple entries in index for: 001317416507
$stamp=001317416507,p:25995 v:1
$stamp=001317416507,p:26033 v:1
Device class: NOdevice not installed.
Exit Hiback (25)
They appear whenever a attempt is made to restore a backup by $stamp and the stamp of this backup appears more than once on the respective Tape index File. The backup stamp is generated on the client and sent as a backup ID to the backupserver which writes the stamp into the Tape index File.
To avoid the Situation Novastor introduced the restore selection parameter $entry in addition to $stamp.
$entry takes as value a pair of
- linenumber
- File Name
where the File identified by File Name contains line in Hiback.log Format.
You can address for example line 21 infile Hiback.log by
$entry=21%/Hiback/log/Hiback.log # used instead of $stamp
The advantage of $entry is that it takes additional Information from the Hiback.lo line in order to identify the backup without doubt. The additional Information is the backup Server process idea and the underlying idea is that the combination of client backup timestamp and backup Server process ID (the process which is responsible to retrieve the backup from Tape) is unique in a reasonable manner.
Instead of retrieving the backup timestamp from Hiback.log you can as well retrieve the complete log line and Store it in a temp File.
grep 001122334455 /Hiback/log/Hiback.log | grep ,ST, > /tmp/xxx.ntr
/Hiback/Hibackp -vsv -c "$entry=1%/tmp/xxx.ntr;re; tape.4451;*;y"
The -c option allows to write all the Hiback parametrisation in a semicolon separated line.