Stop BSOD (Blue Screen Of Death) during Windows PE boot process
NovaBACKUP DataCenter
How do I make sure a BSOD stops at the Windows PE boot process and does not reboot the machine immediately?
1. Stop BMR PE Builder script pe40.cmd after mounting the PE image by inserting a "pause" statement at line 74:
dism / mount-image /imagefile:"%PE_ROOT%\media\sources\boot.wim "/ index: 1 / mountdir:"% PE_ROOT% \ mount "
3. Load System Registry Hive of the mounted PE image (new console):
reg load HKLM \ BMR "C: \ Program Files \ NovaStor \ DataCenter \ Hiback \ vss \ bmr \ pe-build \ resources \ build \ FS \ BMR_ Win81_Win2012R2_x64_en \ mount \ Windows \ System32 \ config \ SYSTEM"
4. Call Regedit and browse to HKLM \ BMR \ ControlSet001 \ Control \ CrashControl
5. Change the DWORD "AutoReboot" from 1 to 0
6. Finish regedit
7. reg unload HKLM \ BMR
8. Return to the console of the PE image and continue with "Enter"
After these steps, a PE ISO should be created at the end, which in the case of a BSOD stops and does not restart immediately.
You can also script steps 3-6 (directly in pe40.cmd), but we recommend to make it so interactive.
To make sure that the RegKey has survived it into the PE session, once booting from the ISO, abort the BMR Wizard and query the RegKey.