Failed to activate license online: .NET activation error: HRESULT: 0x80131501
If while installing NovaBACKUP PC/Server/Business Essentials software, you receive this exact example screen which mentions "Failed to activate license online, .NET activation error", here are methods to attempt to resolve this issue during installation:
Failed to activate license online:
.NET activation error: HRESULT: 0x80131501
This .NET error is typically only found with Microsoft .NET version 3.51
1. Make sure that you are pasting in your license key exactly with the dashes/hyphens in-tact, copy and paste the entire license key in to the prompt and do not attempt to manually type in that license key.
2. Make sure that you are using the appropriate version of the Setup program that matches the license key for the version of NovaBACKUP that you purchased. For older versions of the software please submit a support ticket at requesting a download.
3. If during the installation of NovaBACKUP software you still get the same ".NET activation error" error as displayed in the example screenshot above, then your installed Microsoft .NET Framework is still not in a stable state to utilize with the activation/registration phase. Perform a repair of the Microsoft .NET Framework on that PC using the repair guide mentioned below. Once the .NET Framework is either repaired or removed and reinstalled, run the NovaBACKUP Setup program once more to see if you can continue past the activation stage.
Option Two: Install using the Command Line
If that does not work then attempt a command line installation of NovaBACKUP software via an Administrative Command Prompt, this method will bypass the activation phase of the Setup program but you will later have to activate the software after launching NovaBACKUP:
On the same PC, start an Administrative Command Prompt by right-clicking on Command Prompt and do "Run as Administrator" on it and then issue this command after changing to the folder where the Setup program is located first and this example assumes your Setup program is named "Setup-NB-PC.exe", if your Setup program is named something different then make sure you take note of the file name for the Setup .exe program to change it in the first portion of the command line that you will be issuing to the Administrative Command Prompt below. The first line of this command assumes that your Setup-NB*.exe downloaded setup program, typically this would be located in your own user's Downloads folder, so the first command shows you how to change to your own user's Downloads folder:
After changing to the correct folder where the NovaBACKUP Setup-NB*.exe is located, issue this command:
Setup-NB-PC.exe /Log /q /noreboot /ComponentArgs "Backup Client":"/q /prop REBOOT=ReallySuppress /log c:\NBK_NET_activation_Setuplog.txt"
Paste that entire command in directly, starting with "Setup-NB". Make sure to change the first "Setup-NB-PC.exe" part of that command to match the file name of the setup .exe installer that you downloaded so that the above command can work.
When that task runs you can see that it is running by looking at your Windows Task Manager and in the Processes or Details area look for "Setup-NB-*.exe" in the list of processes running and when it is done it will no longer list that processes as being active when it is done running.
Now look for the NovaBACKUP desktop shortcut to see if it was created after that install completed. If it does exist, then the software is installed. Now you can launch the software and attempt activation directly from the program.