Restore external copies of disk backups
NovaBACKUP DataCenter
Restoring the .SV files always requires a system with a NovaBackup client (which can become a backup server).
The procedure depends on the extent of the disaster.
Assuming that the command server continues to do its job unscathed.
Scenario 1 The media pool is no longer available
1. Create a new media pool on the remote backup server
2. Copy the paged .SV files into the DataDirectory of the new pool
3. Normal GUI Restore but with "Restore from alternate pool" option and the selection of the new pool
Scenario 2 The remote backup server is no longer available
1. Deploy a new Windows system
2. Installation of the DC client
3. Make the backup server
4. as 1.1
5. like 1.2
6. like 1.3