Verify the integrity of Exchange transaction logs
NovaBACKUP DataCenter
Verify the integrity of Exchange transaction logs
To verify the integrity of Exchange transaction logs, the Exchange tool eseutil.exe along with the ese.dll (tested for Exchange 2010) is required.
Both files can be copied from the Exchange Server from the BIN directory of the Exchange installation.
1. Restore the Exchange DBs from the sequence of Full / Diff / Inc backups to the backup server at the desired time.
Set "Restore files only to alternate location without exchange interaction".
Set "Restore to alternative node" and select the backup server.
Select an alternative restore path using "Destination directory".
Start the restore.
As soon as you have checked in the monitoring that the restore has been completed, go to point 2.
2. Copy eseutil.exe together with the ese.dll into the "Destination directory".
3. Start a cmd.exe as administrator and switch to the "Destination directory".
4. Start eseutil / ml E00 to verify the integrity of the transaction logs (
Example output:
C: \ WINDOWS \ system32> cd \ twtemp \ Restore20171012_Exchange
C: \ twtemp \ Restore20171012_Exchange> eseutil / ml E00
Extensible Storage Engine Utilities for Microsoft (R) Exchange Server
Version 14.02
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Initiating FILE DUMP mode ...
Verifying log files ...
Base name: E00
Log file: C: \ twtemp \ Restore20171012_Exchange \ E000000093B.log - OK
Log file: C: \ twtemp \ Restore20171012_Exchange \ E000000093C.log - OK
Log file: C: \ twtemp \ Restore20171012_Exchange \ E000000093D.log - OK
Log file: C: \ twtemp \ Restore20171012_Exchange \ E000000093E.log - OK
Log file: C: \ twtemp \ Restore20171012_Exchange \ E000000093F.log - OK
Log file: C: \ twtemp \ Restore20171012_Exchange \ E0000000940.log - OK
Log file: C: \ twtemp \ Restore20171012_Exchange \ E0000000941.log - OK
Log file: C: \ twtemp \ Restore20171012_Exchange \ E0000000942.log - OK
Log file: C: \ twtemp \ Restore20171012_Exchange \ E0000000943.log - OK
Log file: C: \ twtemp \ Restore20171012_Exchange \ E0000000944.log - OK
Log file: C: \ twtemp \ Restore20171012_Exchange \ E0000000945.log - OK
Log file: C: \ twtemp \ Restore20171012_Exchange \ E0000000946.log - OK
Log file: C: \ twtemp \ Restore20171012_Exchange \ E0000000947.log - OK
No damaged log files were found.
Operation completed successfully in 0.250 seconds.
C: \ twtemp \ Restore20171012_Exchange>