Tape auto-cleaning using the example of the IBM TS2900
NovaBACKUP DataCenter
You can configure Auto Cleaning in the library.
This is the method recommended by NovaStor because the tape drive tells the library to clean it based on the state of the drive. These are library internal automatisms, which in our opinion work best for our customers.
Cleaning and NovaBackup DC / Network "respect each other". The cleaning takes place only with a free drive and Backup / Restore waits for the release of a possibly blocked by a cleaning tape drive.
For this reason NovaBackup DC / Network does not have a cleaning functionality.
The following is the description of the setting of the autocleaning using IBM Tape Library TS2900.
Reference is made to the manufacturer's guide to this library ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/storage/TS2900/45E3877.pdf.
See page 3-19 for the passage "Number of active slots"
It says: "If Auto Cleaning is enabled, the inactive positions become cleaning cartridge positions"
On page 3-31, see "7. Auto Cleaning (Default: Disabled)", as you can
Enable Auto Cleaning within the library without interaction with external software.
The following procedure is necessary to perform Auto Cleaning:
Configure the "Number of active slots" to have an "inactive position".
Place the cleaning tape in just that position within the library.
Configure Auto Cleaning.