Error: (b30370) Can't sort.
NovaBACKUP DataCenter
The backup fails and in the backup client log you will find
(b30370) Can't sort.
(b9030) Nothing to store.
Hiback UNIX/Linux clients prepare the backup file set in regular files.
The preparation consists of 3 steps:
creation of the file list
deletion of excludes
sort of the resulting list by node number (system utility sort)
Each of the steps write their results into a separate temporary file in &tmpdir (CONDEV setting). Having a large number of files in the file lists results in an appropriate amount of disc space needed for the temporary files.
Possible causes:
lack of disk space
environmental variable settings influencing the behavior of system utility sort on Solaris
environmental variable settings influencing the behavior of system utility sort on HP-UX
Solution on all OS types:
Provide disk space for the preparation of filesets on the backup client.
If no local disk space is available, change /Hiback/CONDEV setting of &tempdir: to an NFS mounted remote drive, eg.
&tempdir: /mnt/remotemachine/data/temp
Additional solution Solaris:
unset LC_CTYPE
It is necessary to have this setting in the calling environment of Hiback (inetd/xinetd).
Additional solution HP-UX:
unset LANG
It is necessary to have this setting in the calling environment of Hiback (inetd/xinetd).