If you would like to cancel your NovaBACKUP software subscription these are the instructions to do so.
Please note that cancelling a subscription stops future renewal charges and does not refund the order.
You will be cancelling the subscription yourself via a web link contained in the order email you received on the day of the order. The web link is contained in the set of two emails that you would have received at the time of your order. Example at the bottom.
Please locate the email that was sent to you from email address no-reply@cleverbridge.com, on the date and time that you ordered this NovaBACKUP Subscription based product that you wish to cancel the subscription on. Only one of the two emails that you would have received at that date and time has the web link inside to cancel the subscription. It has a subject line of "Reference #12345678: Your NovaBACKUP 18: PC/Server/B.E. License with FREE Phone Support and FREE Upgrades. Total Data Security Package. Yearly Plan order". The correct email message will show this text starting at the top with "Thank you for your order." and about 3/4 of the way to the bottom of the email message will show "Subscription cancellation" text with a website link that is specially coded for your exact subscription based NovaBACKUP software order to take you to a website to allow you to cancel your own subscription of the product shown in the email.
Example of the correct email to view which has the link to click on to cancel your NovaBACKUP Subscription. About 3/4 of the way to the bottom of the correct email will contain the web link to cancel your Subscription of NovaBACKUP software, the link is coded exactly to your individual order. You will click the link in your actual email message and not the one shown in the example below:
The web link to click on, coded for your actual subscription for the order that you are viewing from your own email message, shown in the example order email above, allows you to utilize that web link to cancel your own subscription.