Can I use Amazon EC2 and EBS to host my NovaBACKUP xSP environment?
NovaBACKUP xSP / Remote Workforce
Absolutely! If you are just getting started with NovaBACKUP xSP and would like to set up the NovaBACKUP xSP software in a highly scalable environment without all of the overhead costs of a dedicated server in a data center, then the Amazon Elastic Computing and Block Storage solutions may be the right fit for you.
Frequently Asked Questions
What size instance should I set up?
Our recommendation is use a Small EC2 instance to get started. This should be sufficient for up to 500 users.
What size EBS volume should I subscribe to?
This is really dependent on the amount of data you expect to store from your customers. You need to look at this in the same terms as you would in setting up a new server. EBS can be anything from 1GB to 1TB per EBS instance, and you can mount multiple EBS volumes on an EC2 instance.
For further information on EC2 and EBS, please refer to the websites below: