xSP/RWF v 14.1
NovaBACKUP xSP / Remote Workforce
A hotfix release of version 14 of the Client and Storage Server has been released (revision 14.1). Please contact your sales rep for latest 14.1 download link.
Note that all previous supported clients are still capable of backing up to the latest Storage Server. Supporting as far back as version 12.5 clients. However It is always recommended to run the latest version of client and storage server at all times. Upgrade as needed.
Client backing up to storage server will drop connection if encounters file it cannot back up
other bugs
Simply run the new setup over your current installation, there is no need to uninstall previous version of Novabackup client unless you are running version 11.1 or older.
Storage Server:
1) Always begin by backing up your "BackupServer" database. This is good Microsoft policy before running any type installation that makes changes to database tables.
2) Stop the "Backup Server" service from the "Services" menu from within windows management.
3) Run the Storage Server install and follow the necessary prompts. (Make sure you are connecting to the database using the "SA" account for sql server.)