NovaBACKUP PC/Server/BE v19.x and newer (2019-04-03)
Executing a backup via script/batch
If you don't want to schedule a backup in the NovaBACKUP GUI and prefer the Windows Task Scheduler or want to control a backup by script/batch for other reasons, you can also run your backup jobs from the command line:
Open a command prompt with administrative rights.
cd C:\Program Files\NovaStor\NovaStor NovaBACKUP
or for NovaBACKUP older than v17.x
cd C:\Program Files (x86)\NovaStor\NovaStor NovaBACKUP
to jump to the NovaBACKUP installation directory (default setting during installation; if you have changed this, select the corresponding installation directory).
Type it in:
nscmd -?
You will receive this help text:
Command Line Help:
-u user name
-s script file path
-q allow queuing
-h hide console
-t ini file for scheduled job settings
Run a script specifying credentials and queuing
-u John -d MyDomain -p 123 -q -s c:\temp\backup.nbk
-s c:\backupplan\MyBackupScript.nbk -t c:\backupplan\XYZbackupschedule.ini
Create a backup job in the NovaBACKUP GUI and specify this backup with
path and name in the command line. Example:
Script is in path
C:\ProgramData\NovaStor\NovaStor NovaBACKUP\UserScripts\Novastor\Backup\BackupAMO.nbk
User = NovaStor
Password = Password
Then the command line should look like this:
nscmd -u NovaStor -p Password -s "C:\ProgramData\NovaStor\NovaStor NovaBACKUP\UserScripts\Novastor\Backup\BackupAMO.nbk"
The -q option also allows you to specify multiple backup jobs on the command line.
You can also save this command line as a batch file and store it on the Windows Desktop. Double-click to start the backup. You can also add this script to the Windows Task Scheduler.