[Guide] How to re-install NovaStor DataCenter 8 Command Server's hijacc (Hijacc), hiserv (Hiserv), and mpx (Multiplexer) services.
Note: This guide only applies to the Command Server node.
The video to watch and follow along with this guide is here: https://youtu.be/eDpSR2Es31w. This guide is only for DataCenter v8.2.x and newer.
These 3 services can sometimes (rarely) end up not being installed during a Command Server upgrade install. This guide is only for DataCenter v8.2.x and newer. This can occur if the executable files that make up these services are detected as not valid by a 3rd party software, such as anti-virus real-time scanning software, and the services are blocked from installing. This method details how to get those services back in place, as a re-installation or upgrade of the software will not help here.
The following "SC delete" commands will simulate these three DataCenter 8.x Command Server services as not being installed:
In this scenario 3 out of 7 of the services that are supposed to be installed on a DataCenter 8.x Command Server machine, are found not installed. We now need to re-install those 3 services. In the case of the Hiserv service being missing, we will have no backup functionality, and in the case of the Hijacc and Multiplexer services being missing we will lose tape backup functionality.
- Upon reinstalling NovaStor DataCenter 8.x Command Server, if the services do not correctly install (it rarely happens, usually only when anti-virus real-time scanning software blocks these services from installing), you may need to manually install the services.
- Launch an elevated command prompt (Administrator).
- Go to > C:\Program Files\NovaStor\DataCenter\Hiback\
- Type the following command:
- Go to > C:\Program Files\NovaStor\DataCenter\Hiback\
- Launch an elevated command prompt (Administrator).
hiserv.exe -c “C:\Program Files\NovaStor\DataCenter\Hiback”
- Go to > C:\Program Files\NovaStor\DataCenter\Hiback\tape\
- Type the following command:
hijacc.exe -c “C:\Program Files\NovaStor\DataCenter\Hiback\tape”
- Go to > C:\Program Files\NovaStor\DataCenter\Hiback\tape\
mpx.exe -c “C:\Program Files\NovaStor\DataCenter\Hiback\tape”
- Three of the services will not be named properly after the above, you will need to rename three services that were added to the services with “NovaStor DC <…>”. Here we can see the invalid service names as "Hiback Service" and "Hijacc Service", and do not mention "NovaStor DC" in the service names properly:
- To correct the 3 invalid service names, open an elevated Command Prompt.
- Type the following
- sc config “hijacc” displayname= “NovaStor DC Hijacc Service”
- sc config “hiserv” displayname= “NovaStor DC Hiserv Service”
- sc config “mpx” displayname= “NovaStor DC Multiplexer Service”
- Optionally, you can change the service names via the registry instead of "sc config". Edit the data value for each "DisplayName" key which exist in these registry locations: HKLM > System > CurrentControlSet > Services > HIJACC, and HKLM > System > CurrentControlSet > Services > HISERV, and HKLM > System > CurrentControlSet > Services > mpx.
- After correcting the names of the 3 "NovaStor DC" services, verify that the correct service names are listed, by refreshing Windows Services:
- Type the following
***NOTE: Make sure you have a space between the = and the new name:
Ex: displayname= “New Name”, NOT displayname=”New Name”***
- Once the missing hijacc (Hijacc), hiserv (Hiserv), and mpx (Multiplexer) services are back in place and named properly,
- Login as Local Administrator or as Domain account with Admin privileges.
- Go to Services.
- Start the NovaStor DC Hijacc Service, NovaStor DC Hiserv Service, and NovaStor DC Multiplexer services.
- Log on to the Command Server GUI. If you find that you cannot log on there, stop all of the NovaStor DC services (or reboot), and then start all of them back up. Then attempt login again.
- Go to Services.
- Login as Local Administrator or as Domain account with Admin privileges.
The video to watch and follow along with this guide is here: https://youtu.be/eDpSR2Es31w.