With the release of NovaBACKUP Cloud software, including NovaBACKUP Storage Server and Client (xSP), CMon Server, and ApplicationUpdate Server version 19 there are additional steps when updating (or upgrading) the software for some configurations.
Downloading the latest version
If you are here looking for a download of the software, please contact your account manager for downloads.
Please note that update/upgrade installations will maintain your previous settings and that Technical Support is available should a problem be encountered.
Installation Trouble?
Please see our KB article on Installation ends prematurely on client install if you are having trouble installing the Cloud Storage (xSP) client.
If you experience a failed installation of NovaBACKUP v19.x or newer, where the installation or upgrade ends prematurely, you can attempt the fix that we have for this by reading the following help:
Please try the following before continuing:
- Reboot your machine before trying again
- Any pending Windows Updates WILL cause the installation to end prematurely and roll back.
- This includes NovaBACKUP Storage Server/xSP Client/CMon Server/ApplicationUpdate Server, and CMon Server.
- Windows Update procedures may require multiple restarts to apply all changes.
- Temporarily disable all Anti-virus, Anti-spyware, Anti-ransomware, Anti-malware and Firewall software
- You should open Task Manager and make sure the following processes are not running (End Task if they are) before running the setup executable:
- BackupServer.exe | ManagementServer.Service.WindowsServiceHost.exe | ManagementServer.Service.ScheduledTask.Console.exe | drdiag.exe | nsCtrl.exe | NovaBackX.exe | nsService.exe
- Please make sure to open the downloaded setup file (usually in your Downloads folder) by utilizing Right-Click->Run as Administrator
If none of these help resolve the issue we recommend to
submit a support ticket and include advanced logs
Reboot Request
The most noticeable item that is seen has to do with a Reboot request after completing the installation of the software. This request is prompted for updates to the software that require a reboot to complete the installation. This will not be prompted for every installation, but if it is, please do not defer the reboot if at all possible. This will be prompted only if certain Image Backup components that are loaded by Windows need to be stopped completely before being updated, such as Image Backup Mount Drivers.
Choose Yes
Process After Rebooting
After rebooting, it will look like the installation is starting over from scratch, this is normal.
Please use the options you selected before rebooting to install the software, they will not always be changed for you. (i.e. if you selected "Custom" you need to select the optional components to install again)
You may also be prompted with a dialog indicating there is a "Suspended Installation" in progress, and if you wish to undo the changes.