Creating new cloud storage accounts in the NovaBACKUP CMon Dashboard
Last Updated: July 1, 2021 9:30PM CET
After logging in to the NovaBACKUP CMon Dashboard, select "Cloud Storage Accounts" from the top navigation toolbar:
On the following page, you can add additional accounts by selecting "Add new cloud storage account":
You will need to specify a Username, as well as creating a password for the newly created cloud storage account:
Upon selecting "Save", you will be able to see the default settings for the new account. You have the ability to change many of these settings by selecting "Edit":
On this screen, you will generally have the ability to change the "Number of computers" the storage account can backup from, the "Restore window length", and the "Restore window type".
In addition, you can view & manage the computers this account has backed up from, as well as changing the password on the individual account.
Getting Started: How to Backup to NovaBACKUP Cloud Storage