DataCenter Guides - Articles
- Granular restore files in a DataCenter VMware VM backup set, or utilize the native virtual hard disk(s) stored in the backup to create a new VM and attach the disk to, in case the restore or mount functions in the DC UI do not work (Version 9.x)
- [Guide] How to get DataCenter 9.x to recognize a "Cluster node" to take advantage of Exchange or Hyper-V Cluster backup jobs (Version 9.x)
- Procedure to stop all running DataCenter 7.x to 9.x processes (services) (for Linux)
- [Guide] How to configure the 4 x DataCenter 9.x services to specify the Log On As user that matches the credentials of the network device that will be configured as a network location for backup
- [Guide] How to collect individual job logs and the Diagnostic info in DataCenter 9.x
- How to configure the port utilized by TomEE (the Command Server service, an Apache Tomcat web server), to assign it to use a different TCP port other than the default '8005'
- [Guide] How to erase a tape in a tape library, and place it in a scratch pool as an available scratch tape
- Manually renew the NovaStor DC Command Server SSL certificate, which is installed on the Command Server 8.1.x versions for Windows
- Manually renew the NovaStor DC Command Server SSL certificate, which is installed on the Command Server 8.2.13 and newer versions for Windows
- [Guide] How to configure the 3 x DataCenter 7.x services to specify the Log On As user that matches the credentials of the network device that will be configured as a network location for backup
- [Guide] How to configure the 3 x DataCenter 8.x services to specify the Log On As user that matches the credentials of the network device that will be configured as a network location for backup
- [Guide] How to re-install NovaStor DataCenter 8 Command Server's hijacc (Hijacc), hiserv (Hiserv), and mpx (Multiplexer) services
- [Guide] How to re-install NovaStor DataCenter 8 Backup Server and Command Server services: nbksrv (VM Backup Server), hijacc (Hijacc), hiserv (Hiserv), and mpx (Multiplexer)
- Rebuild a corrupt or missing GIR pool database using nbksrv (on a Backup Server node) for 8.2.1 and newer
- Command line restore of Hyper-V VM using vsshyv and nbksrv (only for backups stored in GIR disk pool) for 8.2.1 and newer
- DataCenter 8 GUI requires Command Server DNS Name (host name) to connect
- Manually renew NovaStor DC Command Server SSL certificate on Command Server 8.0.x for Linux
- Manually renew NovaStor DC Command Server SSL certificate on Command Server 8.0.x for Windows
- DataCenter 8 requires host names of nodes involved in backup to be resolvable to IPv4 address
- [Guide] Office 365 email notification for DataCenter (using TLS and non-TLS methods)
- [Guide] Command Server Database Backup / Restore Procedure (for Linux OS)
- [Guide] Command Server Database Backup / Restore procedure (for Windows OS)
- [Guide] Migration of a Tape Server from one to another.
- [Guide] Command Server Delete backup logs
- [Guide] DataCenter Update Procedure
- [Guide] Steps to build a successful BMR plan
- [Guide] Edit Disk Pool to Schedule Maintenance
- [Guide] DataCenter Direct Restore from .SV file
- [Guide] Exclude subset of VMs from "ALL VMs" VMware backup job
- [Guide] Create List of backups on a Tape via command line