How to import backups stored on a 'Cloud Backup' Device in NovaBACKUP 20.1.x versions (20.1 and newer versions), including the special instructions for if the new or other computer you need to import the 'Cloud Backup' device on differs for the Domain and Computer name values as compared to the original computer that had performed the backups on that 'Cloud Backup' device.
How to import backups (all backups on that device type, not just each individual backup one at a time) stored on a 'Cloud Backup' (the device type is 'Cloud Backup', not 'Generic S3 Storage Device', which is a legacy device type for the latter, please read our other guide for that latter legacy device type here, as the wording will differ slightly as well as the screenshots will differ) Device (which is listed as the 'Cloud Storage' category in the Restore tab dialog) in NovaBACKUP 20.1.x (20.1 was the first version that had added the 'Cloud Backup' device support, which differs somewhat from the legacy "Generic S3 Storage Device" device type that existed in versions prior to 20.1 in that case). The ability to do this for the 'Cloud Backup' device type was first added in the 20.1 backup client, but primarily would be utilized in 21.x now. Note: The ability to import has only been tested with English ASCII characters, no other foreign language character sets have been verified. The new device that you will be required to create on the new target computer, where you intend to execute the Cloud Backup Import function to import backups from the original source computer that backed up to a Cloud Backup device prior, will be required to contain the exact same field properties, for all of those fields, located in the first "Cloud Settings" tab, and in the "Optional Settings" tab you will need to specify the "Domain:" and "Computer:" fields there properly, as all of the those fields need to be specified and are required to match your original Cloud Backup device, that you are now attempting to import (the "Optional Settings" are especially required for a 'Cloud Backup' device import if your current computer contains a different computer name or domain name as it had utilized originally, as the device and all of the backups stored on that device will need to have the "Optional Settings" specified to know what computer that device existed on orginally to be able to import the device and the backup (restore) index records from the correct computer onto the new target computer in that case), which was located and utilized on the original source computer, when creating the new Cloud Backup device on a new target computer running NovaBACKUP client (which could a fresh install of the client or an existing install). The Cloud Backup device name on the new target computer has to match the original source computer however, so if you already have a device named the same way on the new target computer, for instance if this was not a clean install of NovaBACKUP client, then you will be required to first delete that Cloud Backup on the new target computer in the Devices tab of the client in order to add the same named device again, as the "Optional Settings" tab when creating the device on the new target computer will need to contain the "Domain:" and "Computer:" name fields specified for the original source computer's Domain and Computer name (as those entries probably do not exist if you were to verify the same named 'Cloud Backup' device on the new target computer, and existing devices cannot be modified to specify or correct those values in the "Optional Settings" tab by design). The Domain and Computer name Make sure that in the "Cloud Settings" tab, where you define various main device properties, that the "Device Name", "Bucket Name", "User Name", and "Backup Directory" field values are all specified with the same case sensitivity that was utilized on the original source computer's 'Cloud Backup' device. Additionally, on the new target machine, where you intend to perform the import of the backups from the original source computer, you will also be required to specify all of the settings in the "Optional Settings" tab of the new Cloud Backup device that will be created on the target computer, including the "Domain:" (Domain name) and the "Computer "(Windows Computer name)" fields; and these fields are required to be entered in all CAPITAL letters (again only English ASCII characters have been tested) and there is a character length limit of 15 characters for both of those fields to coincide with those character length limits that Windows has for those two fields. The Import function will NOT work properly unless you enter all characters in all CAPITAL letters for those two fields mentioned. If your Windows computer is in a WORKGROUP, then be sure to specify in the "Domain:" (Domain name) field "WORKGROUP" without the surrounding quotes, as if you leave that field null / blank and your original computer where that device exited on prior was in fact in a WORKGROUP then adding it without specifying "WORKGROUP" in that field will allow the device to add but it will NOT allow the restore to work to import the backup index entries from that device if that is true and not done correctly in the "Optional Settings" tab fields!
For importing backup sets that are located on a 'Cloud Backup' device type (this device type was added in 20.1.x) which could be the case for instance if you lose your backup client machine and have to rebuild things, that can be accomplished by adding a new 'Cloud Backup' device (your existing device cannot be edited after it is saved the first time for the Domain and Computer Name properties) in NovaBACKUP client (in case you lose the device itself in the configuration or the computer that had NovaBACKUP installed on it was lost or damaged and need to rebuild your setup and get your indexed backups that are stored on that 'Cloud Backup' device, meaning that are stored in the cloud, back) please continue reading this guide.
On the new target machine, where you intend to perform the Import of backup records on to be able to restore contents from those backups, you will be required to install a compatible NovaBACKUP client (if your backups were performed in 21.1.1219 to a 'Cloud Backup' device (that is the name of the device type) then you will be required to re-use that exact same version 21.1.1219.1 (or newer) that had performed the backups, and if your backups were performed in 20.1.x to a 'Cloud Backup' device then you will be required to utilize at least that same version or newer that performed the backups, otherwise the Device Import may not work properly if for instance you attempt to utilize the Device Import function on a new target computer 20.1.x installed backup client and your original newer than 20.x 21.1.1219 client had performed the backups that may not work perfectly (as there were many changes to 'Cloud Backup' devices between 20.1.x and 21.1.1219 in that case, and so you will want to install on the new target computer the 21.1.1219 version on the new target computer that you will be performing the Device Import on now, if the backups on that original computer 'Cloud Backup' device was produced by 21.1.1219 in that case). Note: If you were to perform backups to a 'Cloud Backup' device using 20.1.x (for a 21.0.x Public Release version) then you can utilize any newer 21.x client version if you'd like and that should work. Load the NovaBACKUP backup client, that matches the version that produced the backups (20.1.x produced backups may only work with the same 20.1.x client version for the Import function, but 21.0.x produced backups should work with 21.1.1219 or newer 21.1.x client versions).
On the new target computer, where you intend to import 'Cloud Backup' device type ('Cloud Storage' is the category name for that device type if viewing it from the Restore tab) backups from the original source computer, load the backup client and click on the Device tab, then click "Add", then choose 'Cloud Backup' device, this can be done on a brand new install of NovaBACKUP, or it can also be done on a current installation that already has one 'Cloud Backup' device in place (keep in mind if it is NOT a clean installed client there are caveats to getting the import function to work including knowing about the compatible versions noted above, and knowing about if the device name already exists at the same name, which it is required to be named the same on both ends, then it will need to be deleted first on the target end and re-created in order to fill in the "Optional Settings" field values to match the "Domain:" and "Computer:" name properties of the original source computer), if it is the later case when you go to add the new 'Cloud Backup' device (read the NovaBACKUP 21 User Guide page Create a Cloud Backup Device) it will need to utilize the exact same "Device Name" property value as the original source computer had utilized to backup to it, with the same case sensitivity that is, otherwise the import function will not import any backup records, to then let you restore contents from those imported backups. Make sure that in the "Cloud Settings" tab, where you define the various main device properties, that the "Device Name", "Bucket Name", "User Name", and "Backup Directory" field values are all specified with the same case sensitivity that was utilized on the original source computer's 'Cloud Backup' device. If even one of these items is not specified with the wrong case as to match the original source device, then the import function will not import any backup records. Note: The 'Domain' and 'Computer' fields in the 'Optional Settings' tab of the new Cloud Backup device that you create MUST be entered in all CAPITAL letters.
In the 'Cloud Settings' tab of the 'Cloud Backup' Properties dialog which is seen after you click the 'Add' button in the Device tab, and then choose 'Cloud Backup', all 7 of the field values have to be specified in this dialog. The first item 'Device Name:' will always default to a standard format name, starting with .0 at the end of the name. You can feel free to name this device whatever you want however, so you could name it .0, or .1 at the end, or .import, or even the Generic S3 (the endpoint URL storage that is) provider company name, such as "Wasabi" or "Amazon AWS" without quotes. That is completely up to you and you can have multiple 'Cloud Backup' device type devices. In this case this will be a device that we also fill in the 'Optional Settings', which is the second tab, which we will do in the next step after you are done filling in the 'Cloud Settings' first tab values that matched your original 'Cloud Backup' device that has the backups stored on it.
You may also want to perform the 'Check credentials' function (which attempts to authenticate to the Generic S3 server (the endpoint URL server address), and writes a small test file to the bucket to make sure it has write access, for the device that you are adding or editing) prior to proceeding to the 'Optional Settings' tab which you will do next. Keep in mind however that the 'Check redentials function does not test the 'Bucket Name', 'User Name', and 'Backup Directory' field values, those are up to you to have entered properly as the test function is unable to validate those values.
Now still in the 'Cloud Settings' tab you can click on the 'Optional Settings' tab to fill out the "Domain :" name and "Computer:" name field values, which is the computer (running NovaBACKUP client) that had executed the backups that were stored on the original source 'Cloud Backup' device type device. Note: The 'Domain:', and 'Computer:' name fields in the 'Optional Settings' tab have to exactly match the source computer's Domain name or Workgroup name, and in that case they both 100% are required to be entered in all UPPERCASE characters, and it only supports English ASCII characters, otherwise the Import function will not work. If that computer was in a Workgroup (for the backups that you need to now Import from that original computer), then you will need to specify the correct WORKGROUP name in all uppercase characters. Everything has to match exactly from the old device to the new device, including these "Optional Settings" that you will create for this purpose on the new computer that you intend to perform the import on, because all of the device parameters are stored on the Generic S3 server side, and hence the client has to match those when it goes to perform the Import, for the backup records to import properly, otherwise nothing will import.
'Cloud Backup' device 'Optional Settings' tab, needs to contain all uppercase entries for your original Domain name and Computer name, as fields to specify again in all uppercase letters; the fields in the 'Optional Settings' tab CANNOT be edited later after the device is saved keep in mind, you would need to recreate the device again to either specify the values for the first time or to modify any existing values:
'Cloud Backup' device 'Encryption' tab, where you can specify an optional security encryption key (password) on the device itself, and note that the security encryption password can be specified and edited later at any time in the device, once the encryption option is enabled by specifying a password here the backups taken using that 'Cloud Backup' device will be encrypted with that security encryption key going forward, until such time that the security key is either changed in the device, or removed as in making both fields null, and at that time any backups taken to that device will NOT be encrypted after that. In regards to utilizing this 'Cloud Backup' device with the Import function, to import backups that were produced to this 'Cloud Backup' device in the past, then the security encryption key being specified correctly as to match any backups that were produced when encryption was enabled on the original 'Cloud Backup' device that you are now importing with, will be able to import properly if the security key is set on the new 'Cloud Backup' device type device to import from, but if you do not enter the security encryption key by the time you go to perform the Import function, and some of the backups were encrypted, then those encrypted backups WILL NOT import as records to see in the Restore tab in that case. It is 100% required to specify the encryption key utilized on the original 'Cloud Backup' device if that was enabled in the past, and now you need to Import from that device again by recreating the 'Cloud Backup' device either on a new system or the original system that has no NovaBACKUP saved data on it. In this case we cannot help you with recalling this encryption key, so it will be up to you to note / store the encryption key somewhere safe, as the characters themselves are encrypted again once saved in this dialog, and are not stored anywhere in the software to be able for you to know or retrieve without you writing them down. Note: The characters as they are being entered will be not be displayed to you as you enter them in to the dialog so be sure that they are correct as specified before saving the device; there is a requirement for minimum secret encryption key length = 10 and maximum = 30 as noted at the bottom of the dialog:
Note: After reading the KB article on 03/23/23 I found that it did not have the details about the 'Security' tab to enter the Encryption/Secret Key into the new 'Cloud Backup' device that you are meaning to import from, as without that the encrypted backups will just be "skipped" past and not imported as records if that is not done and some of the backups did have encryption on them but others did not. If all backups had encryption on them at the device level then if you were to import from the new 'Cloud Backup' device without having specified the "Encryption" tab "Secret encryption key" details it will result in no backups getting imported as indexed backup records from that original 'Cloud Backup' device imported in to the current Restore tab. The same no backups getting imported outcome will also occur if you DO NOT specify the 'Optional Settings' tab properly to match the 'Domain' name and 'Computer' name fields (where both field values need to be specified in ALL CAPITAL letters) there at the time of the 'Cloud Backup' device creation, that you are meaning to do the Import function with, in that no backup index records will be seen after the Import function completes. The 'Optional Settings' can only be specified at the time of the new 'Cloud Backup' device creation, and can't be edited or specified later (without recreating the 'Cloud Backup' device again) but the 'Security Settings' as far as the Encryption/Secret Key can always be edited later (without needing to create a new 'Cloud Backup' device). It is important to read this document carefully otherwise your backups either won't import, or only a partial number of them will import (like only those that were not encrypted). So, an important part, and which is still the case in all NovaBACKUP 19.8 and 20.0 client builds that have support to Import from 'Cloud Backup' devices to this date, is to do with setting the 'Optional Settings' tab for the newly created 'Cloud Backup' device, where in the 'Optional Settings' tab you will need to specify the EXACT Domain Name and Computer Name as the original 'Cloud Backup' device utilized, both fields need to be specified in ALL CAPITAL letters, to be able to import backups that were produced by that original 'Cloud Backup' device on either a different computer, or the same original computer but with the NovaBACKUP client now re-installed (as a fresh install) with no saved settings / index data in place. If the original client machine, that you are meaning to import the backup records from by creating this new 'Cloud Backup' device on another client computer, or even on the same client computer as before even if the domain and computer name are exactly the same as the original system contained that produced the backups, so be sure to enter the Domain Name field in all CAPS and the computer name exactly as it was named prior, so in that case if the original machine was in WORKGROUP prior, you cannot just leave that Domain Name field blank like you can in other software to not have to specify a Domain Name if your computer is in a WORKGROUP, it 100% has to be specified as "WORKGROUP" without quotes in all CAPS. And if the original 'Cloud Backup' device that produced the backups utilized Encryption at the device level on ANY of the backups that were produced by that original device you will need to enter the Encryption (Secret key) details in the "Encryption" tab of the new 'Cloud Backup' device (if the new 'Cloud Backup' device type device is already created by that point on the new or replacement computer, and you forgot to specify the "Encryption" tab details prior, you can always do that part later, if any backups that did have Encryption on them did NOT import you need to place those details in the device and Import again, or do it all right the first time if possible with Encryption password specified in the Device prior to the first import attempt). The 'Security' tab details can be changed after the fact at the 'Cloud Backup' device level, after the device is saved and in place, unlike the 'Optional Setings' tab details which CANNOT be edited after the device is saved and in place. The 'Cloud Settings' tab contents also cannot be edited after the device is saved, for the most part for all fields there,
Note: Currently in the 21.x versions that so far have been released, including in 21.1.1010.1 and 21.1.1219.1, it is required to utilize all UPPERCASE characters for both the 'Domain' and 'Computer' name fields in this 'Optional Settings' tab, otherwise the Import function will fail, as it won't be able to find that Domain and Computer name if anything but all UPPERCASE characters are utilized for these two fields, if you have already utilized anything but all UPPERCASE characters in these two fields, then the device will need to be re-created, or a second new device created to specify the characters in these two fields in ALL UPPERCASE to allow the Import function to work.
To find and confirm the Domain name value run the following command via a normal Command Prompt (if the domain is completely blank in the output then this computer is in a WORKGROUP, verify the Workgroup name another way by reading further):
echo %userdomain%
Or you can utilize this command:
reg query "HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters" /v "Domain"
To find and confirm the Computer name value run the following command via a normal Command Prompt (if the domain is completely blank in the output then this computer is in a Workgroup, you will be required to verify the exact Workgroup name by going to Control Panel > System and verify it there ):
Or you can utilize this command:
reg query "HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters" /v "HostName"
This is how the "Optional Settings" would need to be specified, for the original source computer that was in a Workgroup named "WORKGROUP", and in that case we had to verify that Workgroup name via Control Panel > System to be sure. The commands above are utilized in the Command Prompt on that original source computer (both of the 'Optional Settings' tab fields need to be specified to match the original computer exactly when creating this new 'Cloud Backup' device type device on the new target computer, all values need to be in all CAPITAL letters):
After the new 'Cloud Backup' device type device is added you will be taken back to the Home tab, you can click back on the Device tab to verify how that device looks by editing it there, notice that some of the field values can no longer be edited, such as the Device Name: field value and any field value in the 'Optional Setings' tab area. After you are done with that you can go to the Restore tab to perform the actual import, after selecting the 'Cloud Storage' category name under the 'Media View' listing, once that category is expanded you should see all of your 'Cloud Backup' device type devices in that list, if you only have one, as a fresh install of NovaBACKUP client and after adding one 'Cloud Backup' device would have in this example, we then select that device in the list that was just added, by first selecting the named 'Cloud Backup' device which was just added on the target computer, where you want to perform the import on, so you would left-click on the device to select it in the list of 'Cloud Backup' devices, in this case the name correlates to the 'Device Name:' field value, for the device we added in the prior step, and then left-click on the 'Import...' button at the bottom right of the Restore dialog.
After selecting "Import", the "Select Device" window will open, and you should be able to choose the necessary device from the list of available options, in this case it is 100% that the device name that you select to import from in this selection dialog, matches the device name on the original source computer (where the backups were taken on). You will notice that the fields at the bottom will be greyed out when importing an 'Cloud Backup' device type device.
Click "OK", which will immediately begin the media import process. You will be redirected to the "Status" tab, which will show you the progress of the import.
Once the import process is completed successfully, which you will see a Status for on the Status tab, and an entry in the Logs tab relating to that Import to make sure it was successful, you can navigate back to the "Restore" tab, and expand the "Cloud Storage" category name area. Then expand the 'Cloud Backup' device type device that you had imported to and you will now be able to select each media set, and browse the file-structure, to help determine which file(s) you may want to restore.