NovaBACKUP xSP/Cloud Storage Server
files are portions of backups that were attempted, but were interrupted in some way, were marked as corrupted, then re-sent from the xSP client.
There is only a single setting for this: (as seen in our KB article: Settings that affect Storage Server space)
)This setting tells the server to save or discard any corrupted storage files that occur during the backup transport process. A file may become corrupt if there is a dropped connection or a stop is caused either on the client or server side.
NOTE: This option only applies to *.CORRUPTION
files going forward (this is NOT retroactive)
Recommended "Manual" Search and Delete
The easiest option is to search for *.CORRUPTION
using Windows File Explorer, select all results, and delete them.
Using Powershell (with logging)
CAUTION: The below method immediately deletes the *.CORRUPTION
files with no way to recover them.
It should be a one-line command if you want to just type it at a Powershell prompt....
From the storage location you wish to clear *.CORRUPTION
files from.
Always test command-line operations before running them so you know what is going to happen.
This sets the output log file, looks recursively for any *.CORRUPTION
file, iterates through them and records the item as being deleted or if it had an error during deletion, then opens the log with the default text editor associated with .log
- You MUST change the
path variable.- The current value of
$searchRoot = "U:\path\to\User\Data"
- The current value of
- You CAN adjust the
variable as desired.- The current value will create a
del_corruption DATE.log
with the current date in the user data folder
- The current value will create a
$searchRoot = "U:\path\to\User\Data"; $logOutput = ".\del_corruption $(get-date -f yyyy-MM-dd).log" ; Get-ChildItem -path $searchRoot -include *.CORRUPTION -recurse -force | ForEach-Object { $file = $_; try { Remove-Item $file.fullname -ErrorAction Stop; "Deleted file: $($File.fullname)" | Out-File $logOutput -Append } catch { "Failed to delete file: $($File.fullname)" | Out-File $logOutput -Append } }; Invoke-Item $logOutput
Always test command-line operations before running them so you know what is going to happen.
Please note that this is a "one-line" command.
There are also utilities that can track changes to files/folders you can use, one such utility is FolderChangesView