[Manual] Setting up backup job (example)
NovaBACKUP DataCenter
Backup/Restore - Setting up backup job (example)
To set up a backup job, proceed as described in this example for file system "Backup".
The following information is defined in the backup job:
▪ The data to be backed up.
▪ The target location of the backup.
▪ The time at which the backup is to be performed.
The backup server and media/disk pool for the storage of the data must be set up and configured.
Opening dialog
1. Go to Backup/Restore > Backup Jobs.
⇨ The Job Management window is opened.
2. In the Backup Jobs section, select > New > Single Job > File in the shortcut menu.
⇨ The dialog for the definition of the backup job (Job tab) is displayed.
Entering job name and node name
1. Enter the name of the job in the Job name field.
2. Select the backup client or the server group in the Node name field.
Selecting directory to be backed up
1. In Job option, click [Select fileset].
⇨ The File set configuration dialog is opened.
2. Select the drive from the Device list.
3. Select the directory to be backed up and then drag&drop it to the Include Files panel.
4. Confirm your selection of directories by clicking [OK].
⇨ The File Job dialog showing the Job tab is opened.
Selecting backup type
1. Click the Screen number display field. All available backup types are listed here.
2. Select the backup type you wish to perform, e.g. Full Backup.
3. Confirm your selection by clicking [OK].
⇨ The dialog is closed.
The first backup will always be a Full Backup. | ||
Testing backup job connection
After you have defined the backup job, you can test the connection to the client, the backup server and the data storage device with the Connection Test function.
1. Right-click the backup job and select Connection Test in the shortcut menu.
⇨ If all settings are correct and the selected systems are accessible, two green ticks are displayed. Connection problems are indicated with a red cross.
2. Close the window by clicking [Close].
The backup job is now defined and the necessary connections are configured.
The newly defined backup job is now included in the Backup Jobs list. The associated details are shown in the Job Overview panel.