NovaBACKUP PC/Server v18.x and newer
For NovaBACKUP PC/Server you may need to activate the additional image backup options and deactivate some plugins that you do not need in NovaBACKUP PC/Server.
Disable Windows Defender and/or other anti virus application/settings.
Download NovaBACKUp installer and save it to your Desktop:
Execute NovaBACKUP installer from Desktop with right mouse click and "run as admin".
Click on "Maintenance" => "Next" => "Change".
Enable all "NovaBACKUP Image Backup" options:
Image 1: NovaBACKUP Image Backup options
Please note:
A reboot is required to activate the new installed components.
Image backup/restore will work without reboot, mounting an image will work only after reboot!
For NovaBACKUP PC and Server disable all "NovaBACKUP Plugins":
Image 2: Disable all NovaBACKUP plugins for NovaBACKUP PC and Server
For NovaBACKUP BE activate all needed server components (plugins).
For Hyper-V backups you will need all VMware components. Activate all VMware plugins. Finish installer and reboot system.
If you do not use CMon (NovaBACKUP Monitoring Tool) you may disable "Agent Service":
Image 3: Disable Agent Service
Proceed with "Next" => "Change", then reboot.